U.S. State actors participated in a COP26 sid event, “Integrated Policies for Ocean Climate Action: Building Coastal Resiliency in the U.S.” hosted by the OA Alliance, PEW Charitable Trusts and Ocean Conservancy on November 8 at the U.S. Climate Action Center.
As drivers of local and regional strategies, U.S. states are on the forefront of increasing ambition for climate action, integrating ocean and climate policies and increasing effective management across our estuaries and shorelines in the context of climate change.
Featured Speakers:
Governor Jay Inslee, State of Washington
Governor Kate Brown, State of Oregon
NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program Director, Dr. Libby Jewett
Secretary of Natural Resources, Wade Crowfoot, State of California
Secretary of Environment, Ben Grumbles, State of Maryland
Chair of Department of Land and Natural Resources, Suzanne Case, State of Hawai’i
Senator Chris Lee, Hawai’i State Legislature
From left: Chair of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Suzanne Case, State of Hawai’i; Senator Chris Lee, Hawai’i State Legislature; Governor Kate Brown, State of Oregon; Governor Jay Inslee, State of Washington; Director of NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, Dr. Libby Jewett; Secretary of Environment, Ben Grumbles, State of Maryland; Mr. Simon Reddy, PEW Charitable Trusts; Secretary of Natural Resources, Wade Crowfoot, State of California.